Contact: Telephone: 0402 033 064 Email: Location: Perth, Western Australia.


Latest News - ABC Radio National Saturday Extra interview: Geraldine Doogue spoke to Philippa about her recent book "No Stone Without a Name".

Listen here -


Book recently published and available now (stockists below).

"No Stone Without A Name: A visual history of possession and dispossession in Australia's west" by Philippa O'Brien.

link: Artshub Book Review (January 2023)

"It's a must-read for history nerds, art lovers and dismantlers of context-dependent facsimilies of truth..." Nanci Nott

No Stone Without a Name: A visual history of possession and dispossession in Australia's west

by Philippa O'Brien

Publisher: Ellenbrook Cultural Foundation

ISBN: 9780645598506

Format: paperback

Pages: 456pp

Release Date: November 2022

Recommended Retail: $99 plus shipping


New Work-February 2024


Latest work: Radiance sculpture 2024


A mandorla: an ellipse, an almond shape that surrounds a transcendant image,

the sacred geometry sheltering the seed, the world within.

A sculpture at the entrance to the MS residential building and a landmark object in its environment.


Previous commissions:

Hesperas - Ellenbrook

Hesperus, Ellenbrook, 25m x 10m, stainless steel, 2013.


Verticordia and Sea Urchin -Ellenbrook